Are your Cleaning Tools Clean?



If you have never taken the time to clean the tools you use to clean your house, then the answer to the above question is no. Most people don’t think about cleaning out the vacuum or washing the mop, but if the utensils you clean with are not clean themselves, using them can actually be more unhygienic than not cleaning at all. Keep reading for the best ways to ensure that your household tools are sanitary! Continue reading

Vinegar Dos and Don’ts


Vinegar is a very handy household item, as it is natural and non-toxic, and nearly everyone has it on hand. It has an assortment of uses, including cooking, cleaning, and a variety of assorted household hacks. Although it can be used as an alternative to harsh chemicals to clean a lot of surfaces in your home, there are also a few things that vinegar should not be used for. Keep reading for some tips on what to do and what not to do (and why) with vinegar! Continue reading

Don’t Throw Those Coffee Grounds Away!


If you’re an avid coffee drinker, you probably throw away several pounds of coffee grounds in a month. But what if you could use those for something, instead of wasting them? Turns out you can! Keep reading for a few creative ideas on how to get even more use out of your coffee! Continue reading

Don’t Forget to Clean your Mattress!


The average person spends roughly one third of their life sleeping- that’s a lot of time spent in bed. But when is the last time you cleaned your mattress? Can’t remember?Cleaning your mattress twice a year is recommended, and can make it last longer and allow for a better night’s sleep. It also helps prevent any unwanted guests, like bedbugs and mites. Continue reading to see how to do this in just a few easy steps! Continue reading

Does the Outside of your House Need Some Work?


As the snow melts and the sun starts to shine, you may pull up to your house and start noticing some things that may have been neglected over those long winter months. With the nicer weather comes the added responsibility of maintaining the external aspects of your home. But this isn’t as daunting as it seems! Read on for a simple checklist. Continue reading

Time for Spring Cleaning!


Happy spring! With winter officially behind us, many people have spring cleaning on their mind. But this can seem a bit daunting- who has time to clean their entire home in one day? Read this checklist to see the main things to get done to optimize your efforts and deep-clean your home in just a few hours of spring cleaning. Continue reading

Surprising Uses for your Dishwasher


The dishwasher is basically your best friend when it comes to kitchen cleaning. It saves you countless hours washing the dishes, but did you know that it can be used to clean so much more than just your dirty dishes? Many common household items can also be popped in the dishwasher for hassle-free cleaning. Continue reading to see an assortment of them and save yourself some cleaning time! Continue reading

Bathroom Cleaning Tips!


Do you know what room in the house tends to be everyone’s least favorite to clean? The bathroom. But unfortunately, this is also the room that houses the most germs and is therefore the most important to clean. But don’t fret! Keep reading to see how to deep-clean your bathroom in an efficient manner. Continue reading

Is Your Bedding Actually Clean?


We spend nearly a third of our lives sleeping in our beds, but how clean are they? Humans shed millions of dead skin cells, and also lose a lot of sweat in the night. If left unwashed, this essentially leaves a breeding ground for dust mites and bacteria. Grossed out? Here’s how to make sure your bedding is clean! Continue reading

Tips for Maintaining a Pet-Friendly Home


Do you love your pets, but not so much love the way they can sometimes make your house look? Furry friends can add a lot of joy to a home, but they can also make it a lot more difficult to keep rooms clean and tidy. But it is possible to have it all! Below are some tips to maintain cleanliness no matter what type of little friend you have running around. Continue reading