Eco-Friendly Tips for your Home


Earth Day is this coming Monday, April 22nd. This is a day to promote environmental issues but also to celebrate this beautiful earth we all live on. Many people pick some service or improvement project on this day to make the area around them more eco-friendly. Why not pick your own home?? Here are some easy changes you can make to your home to help the environment (and save you money as a bonus). Continue reading

Tips to keep your New Year’s Resolution!


Did you vow that 2019 is finally your year to really keep your house clean and tidy?? This is a common resolution every year, but it can be a lot more difficult to actually keep it than it seems. Here are some easy tips to make staying true to your resolution easier! Continue reading

Tips for your Tree


If you are someone who gets a tree every year for the Holidays, then you need to know how to care for it properly! Taking care of your tree right from the start will help keep it healthy and looking beautiful all season long. Continue reading for some helpful tips. Continue reading

Prevent Electrical Issues this Season


This time of year, electricity in your home is most likely running at its peak. Add a few more appliances (have to get Thanksgiving dinner on the table!) and you could be at risk for a power outage. Pay attention to this information to keep your power running smoothly. Continue reading

Deep-Clean Your Kitchen


With Thanksgiving barely over a week away, you want your kitchen in the best shape possible. In order to show off your home, or make the best food you can, you want to make sure that you fit in a deep cleaning of your kitchen before this day arrives. Seem daunting? Follow these eight steps to have a perfect kitchen in no time. Continue reading

Make Thanksgiving Easy!


With Thanksgiving just two weeks away, delicious food and holiday gatherings seem to be what is on everyone’s minds. Even though this is a fun holiday, many people get stressed over hosting or making food for it. If you are one of these people, keep reading for some super easy Thanksgiving dish ideas that can be made with the stuff you already have and are sure to please guests! Continue reading