Prevent Electrical Issues this Season


This time of year, electricity in your home is most likely running at its peak. Add a few more appliances (have to get Thanksgiving dinner on the table!) and you could be at risk for a power outage. Pay attention to this information to keep your power running smoothly. Continue reading

Deep-Clean Your Kitchen


With Thanksgiving barely over a week away, you want your kitchen in the best shape possible. In order to show off your home, or make the best food you can, you want to make sure that you fit in a deep cleaning of your kitchen before this day arrives. Seem daunting? Follow these eight steps to have a perfect kitchen in no time. Continue reading

Make Thanksgiving Easy!


With Thanksgiving just two weeks away, delicious food and holiday gatherings seem to be what is on everyone’s minds. Even though this is a fun holiday, many people get stressed over hosting or making food for it. If you are one of these people, keep reading for some super easy Thanksgiving dish ideas that can be made with the stuff you already have and are sure to please guests! Continue reading

Flu Season


With flu season upon us, it is a constant struggle to keep germs at bay. Surrounded by coworkers, children, family, and friends, everyone is at a much higher risk for spreading flu-causing germs throughout the colder fall and winter months. Everyone knows that hand washing is important for preventing illness, but most people don’t pay enough attention to important objects to keep clean… Continue reading

Oven Upkeep


Fall is in full swing, so bring on the pumpkin spice and autumnal treats! With the cooler weather quickly approaching, it will soon be the time of year when people get the most use out of their ovens. Cooking hot dinners for the family and baking apple pies (without worrying about the house getting too hot inside) are of course major perks of autumn, but this extra strain on the oven can cause issues for you… Continue reading



There are certain appliances that can contribute to the household. They can be seen as accessories to the home. There has been a lot of curiosity floating around about the benefits and whether a dehumidifier is worth the buy. Read below to discover what you could be missing by not having a dehumidifier in your home.

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Fall Checklist!


The fall season is here which means it’s time to finish that summer clean up and prepare for fall. Take it as a checklist for making sure the house is ready for fall. All of these items are simple and will take no time at all.

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Summer Ending Cleaning!


The end of Summer is near; therefore, it’s time for some clean up before the cooler air catches us off guard. This type of cleaning will help prep the house for the cooler weather,prepare you for repairing any of the important Winter, and prepare certain items for the next Summer season.  

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Tips to Save Energy This Fall


The weather is cooling down, the kiddos are going back to school, and fall is less than a month away! With September in full swing, it’s time to start prepping our homes for fall. Without further ado, here’s some tips and tricks to save energy this season, starting with your home appliances, heating, and lighting. Continue reading

Safety During Power Outages!


There is never a bad time to prepare yourself for a safe power outage. They can happen multiple times at random points throughout the year, so it is good to be knowledgeable about what not to do during a power outage. It can help you can save your appliances.

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