Don’t Forget to Clean your Mattress!


The average person spends roughly one third of their life sleeping- that’s a lot of time spent in bed. But when is the last time you cleaned your mattress? Can’t remember?Cleaning your mattress twice a year is recommended, and can make it last longer and allow for a better night’s sleep. It also helps prevent any unwanted guests, like bedbugs and mites. Continue reading to see how to do this in just a few easy steps! Continue reading

Time for Spring Cleaning!


Happy spring! With winter officially behind us, many people have spring cleaning on their mind. But this can seem a bit daunting- who has time to clean their entire home in one day? Read this checklist to see the main things to get done to optimize your efforts and deep-clean your home in just a few hours of spring cleaning. Continue reading

Tips for Maintaining a Pet-Friendly Home


Do you love your pets, but not so much love the way they can sometimes make your house look? Furry friends can add a lot of joy to a home, but they can also make it a lot more difficult to keep rooms clean and tidy. But it is possible to have it all! Below are some tips to maintain cleanliness no matter what type of little friend you have running around. Continue reading

Fall Checklist!


The fall season is here which means it’s time to finish that summer clean up and prepare for fall. Take it as a checklist for making sure the house is ready for fall. All of these items are simple and will take no time at all.

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Is This Okay To Vacuum?


Vacuums are used monthly, weekly, even daily  in almost every room and crevice of our homes. These cleaning appliances are beneficial for making our homes look neat and clean. However, sometimes we may suck things up that could do harm to the vacuum itself, causing damage or causing it to break all together. So what are some things we can and cannot vacuum up?

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Product Pick of the Week: Crevice Wand


Cleaning your appliances may seem like a hassle, but if you have the right tools it doesn’t have to be.  What’s even better is when you can find a multipurpose tool.  One item that we think you should definitely have in your home is a Crevice Wand Attachment for your vacuum cleaner, and that’s why we’ve made them our Pick of the Week.

We know that cleaning in and around your appliances can be tricky.  They can be difficult to move, are usually against a wall, and are full of small spaces that can collect dirt, dust, and debris.  That’s where the Crevice Wand or Tool comes in.

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When Should I Buy A New Appliance?


You’ve had your current appliance for what seems like a lifetime, and all those years ago you promised to run it to the ground. But, what happens if it’s Christmas Eve and you are left without a working oven? Or it is someone’s birthday and you can’t cook them their favorite meal? It may be time to start planning out the purchase of an appliance before you get stuck. Surprisingly there are some dates that are better than others for appliance purchasing.


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Your vacuum cleaner gets rid of your dirt, lets get rid of its



Whenever the floor gets dirty we grab our vacuum cleaner and clean up the mess, but we don’t usually think about cleaning the vacuum cleaner that gets rid of all our messes. If you don’t clean your vacuum cleaner overtime it will not work as well as it should. Good news for you, you can clean your vacuum cleaner in 7 easy steps!

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