Product Pick of the Week: Lemi Shine


23866389_sThis week’s Product Pick of the Week relates to a post we posted a few months ago called “Why are my Dishes Spotty and Cloudy?”  Aside from the reasons stated in that post, the type of water cleaning your dishes can effect whether or not they are cloudy as well. Who would have thought that there is more than one type of water? These differences are noticed in other everyday activities like showering and doing laundry. These different types of water can have an effect on how your water-using appliances are running, which in turn has an effect on your energy bill. So, what is the difference between hard water and soft water?

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Why is my Refrigerator Warm and Freezer Cold?


We all know that moment. The moment that you open your refrigerator not to the refreshing cool blast of air on your face, but a strangely warm and slightly smelly blast of air on your face. There is nothing worse than a dysfunctional refrigerator. The most visited appliance is the appliance you should keep an eye on when it comes to maintenance. There are a few different reasons that your refrigerator would be warm while the freezer stays frozen, find out here what you need to check to fix it:15671456_ml.jpg Continue reading

How to Troubleshoot a Noisy Dishwasher


A noisy dishwasher is common in many households. Many people assume that repairs must be done by a serviceman, however, repairing your dishwasher is not a difficult process. If you are in the mood to save some money and take matters into your own hands, stay tuned for our dishwasher troubleshooting tips!  Continue reading

Kitchen Cleaning Plan: A Clean Kitchen Makes Happy Appliances


We all know how life gets busy. One moment we are planning on cleaning our kitchen and the next you find yourself answering work emails. It can be very difficult to be thorough in your cleaning when you are in a rush, so we have broken down different (important!) chores in your kitchen to maintain working appliances and a healthy kitchen.

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The Time Has Come For Spring Cleaning!


Every year when the snow turns to rain and the sun stays out just a little longer each day, we know that the time has come to spring clean our homes.  When it comes to cleaning our major appliances you want to make sure you are doing it efficiently and effectively so that all of your time and effort doesn’t disappear in a week. Here are some tips on how to spring clean your home’s major appliances!


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How To Get Rid of Burnt Smell From Microwave



We have all done it. Over- cooked popcorn in the microwave or got distracted enough to put that TV dinner in for 30 minutes instead of 3 minutes. Now your house smells like burnt food, your microwave is weirdly yellow and you can’t help but scrunch your eyes and think about how to clean it. Every time you use your microwave that burnt smell lingers on your food and throughout the kitchen. Here are some fool-proof ways to defeat that nasty smell and make your home smell fresh and clean once more. Continue reading

Product Pick of the Week: Bake vs. Broil Elements


18751507_sOnce you are a seasoned cooker, you will know the different results of baking versus broiling. If you always throw your oven to whichever setting you see first, you will have extremely different results. This week’s Product Picks of the Week are the broil element and bake element in the oven. Not only is it important to know the different uses for the two, but it is also important to understand the safety measures and how to install these parts.

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Chipped or Peeling Paint? | How to Touch Up the Paint on Your Appliance


You’re cleaning your refrigerator and notice a small chip in the paint. Now that you’ve seen it, you notice it every time you use it.   Sound familiar?  Or maybe you’re just tired of the color of your appliance and looking for something different?  Before you go out and buy a new refrigerator door, or even a whole new appliance we may have a solution for you: appliance paint.

Appliance touch-up paint and kits are available in a number of finishes and when applied correctly, can leave your appliance looking good as new.  All it takes is a little bit of time, patience, and the right preparation.   Continue reading

What to Do With Appliances During Vacation: Spring Break Edition


What is the first thing you think of when you think of spring break? Most likely you are thinking about the tropical location you are about to visit and the fact that you can bring your kids without them missing any school work. What is the last thing you think of when you think about spring break? Keeping your home energy-efficient and safe is probably the last thing you are checking off your mental list, if you even get that far. Here are a few tips to preparing your home for your departure: vacation-1383402-1920x1920.jpg Continue reading

Gas or Electric?


So, the time has come to replace your range. Finding that perfect range that has all of the features and functions you want is difficult enough with all of the choices on the market, but the first major decision you should be making is gas or electric? Many people have only ever owned one or the other so they don’t consider the other one when buying. However, both gas and electric ranges have different pros and cons and without knowing them you may be buying the wrong one or your particular needs. Here are some pros and cons to both gas and electric ranges.Gas vs Electric

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