Tips for First Time Gas Stove Users



Cooking can be an interesting and stressful thing to do. There is a lot to know and a lot to learn and a lot to figure out. There are different types of stoves to work with such as gas and electric. For first time users, there are things to know about when it comes to gas stoves. Read below to see the things that are needed to know for first time gas stove users.

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Do you have a Gas Dryer or Electric Dryer?


Have you ever wondered what type of dryer you have? Not the brand you may have but the type of dryer that it is meaning electric or gas dryer. If you don’t know, read below on how to figure out which one you may have.

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Tips to Save Energy This Fall


The weather is cooling down, the kiddos are going back to school, and fall is less than a month away! With September in full swing, it’s time to start prepping our homes for fall. Without further ado, here’s some tips and tricks to save energy this season, starting with your home appliances, heating, and lighting. Continue reading

Electric or Gas Range – Which is Right for You?


When it comes to your range, there are two options – gas or electric. But how do you know which one is right for you? There are many pros and cons to each, so it’s time to go over the beneficial and worthless factors of each choice. Continue reading

Get Ready For Summer!


It is that time of year again when the birds are chirping and the sun is shining, but wait! There is something to be done first. The center of most gatherings in the summer must be cleaned and summer ready. What is that item? The grill. It needs to be cleaned and ready for all those cookouts that are about to take place.

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Post-Christmas Range Cleaning Tips


We know Christmas has not even passed yet, but it is never to early to start thinking about your post-Holiday clean-up. When Tuesday, December 26th comes around there will no longer be the countdown to Christmas. Now the countdown to cleaning up after Christmas begins. We are here to help! We will give you step by step tips for easy post-Holiday cleaning.

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12 Ways to Save Energy in Your Laundry Room


Do you ever feel like you’re wasting all of your energy and money in the laundry room? What if there was a way to cut that electric and water bill in half? Use these tips and tricks in your laundry room to save energy and money with you washer and your dryer units. Continue reading

Why Won’t My Oven Turn On?


With Christmas only days away, any oven problems are unacceptable! How else are you going to get all of the cookies baked? Not to mention the ham or turkey you might be having for dinner.  One commonly reported issue is that the oven won’t turn on. How can this be, and how is it fixed? Follow the steps below and your oven will be up and running to bake those Christmas cut-outs in no time. Continue reading

How to Safely Disconnect a Gas Dryer


Whether you are relocating your dryer or installing a new one, there are a few safety precautions you should be sure to take upon doing so. It is important to be very cautious when disconnecting your dryer from the gas line because of potential fire hazards or gas explosions. If you feel at all hesitant about disconnecting your gas dryer yourself, make sure to contact a qualified technician to perform the task for you. However, taking the following steps during this process will ensure a safe disconnection:

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Tips and Tricks to Preventing Dryer Fires


Across the country, thousands of house fires are caused by dryers every year. The number of incidents tends to increase in the fall and winter months as people begin to use their dryers more frequently. The main reason these fires break out is because people fail to keep this appliance properly cleaned and maintained.  Taking a few extra minutes to perform these simple tasks will ensure you and your dryer have no issues this season.

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